Welcome to our dedicated page for GPSR support. Here you will find links to our Safety Guidelines (in 24 languages), Pictorial Tent Instructions and a link to our procedure for complaints for our EU customers. 

We care very much about our customers and our products, and love to hear feedback about our tents. Please get in touch if we can help in any way!


Lotus Belle Tents Safety Guidelines


Lotus Belle Tents Instructions (Pictorial):

Air Tents

Lightweight Tents

Pole Tents




Lotus Belle Accessories Instructions (Pictorial):

Roof Cover

X-Wide Porch

Standard Porch



Lotus Belle Tents Complaints Procedure (EU)


Lotus Belle Tents Ltd has signed up to the Safety Gate Portal as part of the EU GPSR regulations. For any information regarding products / safety, please visit https://ec.europa.eu/safety-gate-alerts/screen/search for more information.

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